
“A professional, friendly and expert team who are truly Client and result focused. Their fresh approach to problems, customer care and pursuit of the best outcomes set them far apart”

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Our Story

WorkCap was founded in the midst of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic when an existing challenge was thrust directly into the spotlight: small to medium size businesses requiring support and expertise that simply weren’t reasonably accessible. Various schemes were launched reactively in an attempt to give businesses a fighting chance but most still remain unserved to this day.

Having deep experience working in and with SMEs for the past few decades, we’re perfectly positioned to have a genuine understanding of business processes across most industries.

We’ve walked the same path, facing and overcoming many of the same challenges. This gives us a distinct advantage and aligns us even more closely to you and the goals your business is aiming to achieve.

What we do

We’ve worked with organisations of all sizes

Over the past few decades our team have worked with organisations of all sizes, specialising in all things working capital, as a part of their overall operational efficiency.

In each case we can offer an un-biased and alternative mindset, challenging the status quo and present actionable strategies.

By leveraging existing resources and innovating through technology, we help Clients maximise available capital either organically or through funding, allowing your business to thrive.

We’ve worked with organisations of all sizes

Our Values

We pride ourselves on the work we deliver and ensure that what we stand for shows. Our values underpin every action and are the foundations of all that we do.


Integrity is at our core. Whoever we’re working with or for, we’ll always act with transparency, honesty and trust.
Integrity is at our core. Whoever we’re working with or for, we’ll always act with transparency, honesty and trust


For us, excellence is the expert pursuit of the highest levels of quality, reaching beyond all expectations.
For us, excellence is the expert pursuit of the highest levels of quality, reaching beyond all expectations. We strive for this without exception

A will to win

The will to win is the underlying state of mind that drives us to consistently achieve those results.
Winning is securing the results our clients are aiming for. The will to win is the underlying state of mind that drives us to consistently achieve those results

A will to win

The will to win is the underlying state of mind that drives us to consistently achieve those results.
Winning is securing the results our clients are aiming for. The will to win is the underlying state of mind that drives us to consistently achieve those results


We don't like sweeping principles that give us a default action as often that action isn’t necessarily the fairest.
We don't like sweeping principles that give us a default action as often that action isn’t necessarily the fairest. We assess each situation for its individual merits and are driven by fair outcomes


We don't like sweeping principles that give us a default action, as often that action isn’t necessarily the fairest.
We don't like sweeping principles that give us a default action as often that action isn’t necessarily the fairest. We assess each situation for its individual merits and are driven by fair outcomes

Giving back

Giving where we can to those around us forms meaningful relationships which we hope are used to have an even wider positive impact.
We want to make a difference, both in and outside of work. Giving where we can to those around us forms meaningful relationships which we hope are used to have an even wider positive impact


We love to succeed, achieving great results all round. Feedback from the wins is a big part of why we do this.
We love to succeed, achieving great results all round. Feedback from the wins is a big part of why we do this. Being humble, acknowledging areas for improvement and recognising the great wins without shouting about them from the rooftops is a hardcoded default.

More on what we do

We work closely with clients to understand their specific needs and identify where we can have the maximum positive impact.

We feel there’s so much more to business than just processes, cash and clients. Business owners and leadership should have the time to focus on steering the ship, rather than regularly manning the oars! That said, we all need to make sure processes are optimal, cashflow is closely managed and clients are happy. These elements need continual oversight but many businesses find it a stretch. That’s where we can help.

We’re here to make a difference to businesses and their people, challenging the norms to boost working capital. We can help introduce better processes, saving time, money and effort, which may be better utilised elsewhere.

Sometimes it’s a single overdue invoice, other times it’s a fully outsourced function or business strategy. We understand that and work closely with clients to understand their specific needs, identifying where we can have the maximum positive impact.

meet the team
Professional and Competitive
John Doe
Tim Horton

We like to see good businesses win, so are always happy to give out some expert hints & tips!

We like to see good businesses win - get in touch to find out more!